Ms. Noemi Magnanini, Advisor on International Projects and collaborations
Office of the President and Chief Executive Officer – GestoredeiServiziEnergeticiS.p.A.
Graduated cum laude in International Relations at Università di Roma Tre. In the beginning of her carrier she worked as Junior Researcher in public policies at Censis. In 2009 she specialized in Renewable Energy attending a Post-graduate Master in Renewable Energy at Polytechnic University of Milan – Energy Department.
While still attending the Post-graduate Master, she worked as Junior Advisor on sustainable energy policies at International Activities Unit in GSE. Since 2013 as advisor to the President and CEOof GSE she continues to follow sustainable energy policies and renewable energy cooperation. She also serves as expert to the Italian to the Ministry of Economic Development and Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the European and international policy dossiers and fora related to sustainable energy and renewable energy cooperation, including relevant intergovernmental agencies (IEA and IRENA).