Giuseppe De Beni Managing Director of Italgen


Born in Bergamo on March 20, 1960

Graduated in Business Administration – Bergamo University (Italy)
Master in Business Administration – Yale-Hartford University (USA)
Following graduation, he started his career at Auschem Group Spa, a chemical group listed on Milan Stock Exchange, as Strategic Marketing Director.

He was then promoted Managing Director of the Spanish subsidiary of the Group, AuschemIberica.

In 1996, he was appointed Managing Director of Sprea Chemicals SpA, a company producing Plastics Material and Synthetic Resins.

In 1998, he entered Radici Group (a leading Italian Group with diversified businesses worldwide in Chemicals, Plastics, Synthetic Fibres,Textile Machinery and Energy sectors), where he was appointed Managing Director of the sub-holding GruppoRadici SpA, focusing on the international diversification and development of the Group.

In March 2006, he entered Italcementi Group and in July 2006 he was nominated Managing Director of Italgen Spa, a company fully controlled by Italcementi (the fifth cement producer worldwide). Italgen is an electricity generator and distributor trading on the international market.